Imagine, a fully automated home…

Imagine a home where you walk in and the tap tapping of your shoes alerts your house to your presence, with the lights flicking on just as you unlock your door. You enter a well-lit corridor, instinctively hugging closer your jacket but suddenly feeling your house surprisingly warm enough to simply shrug it off right away. Your daily ritual directs you towards your blinds to slide them open but whoa, they are already all the way up with natural light filtering into your hallways and your living room glittering golden.

Does all of this sound too fanciful to be true?

Not anymore!

Pro Electra is making your dreams come true with home automation installation designs that provide you with complete access and control of your interiors and exteriors with just a touch of a button.  Now you have complete control over your security, climate, and lighting and entertainment systems directly through your smartphones, voice recognition systems, or remote controls.

Essential Benefits of Home Automation


Secure your property against uninvited guests and intruders with our high-quality alarm and security systems.                     

With auto-connected surveillance cameras, burglar alarms, door locks, and motion detectors, you can relax and enjoy stress-free time away from home. Employing smart devices allows you to monitor your home or workplace remotely, even when you are travelling or visiting away from your city.

Pro Electra can design and install security systems equipped with all the latest technology innovations, which offer you a full picture of what is going on inside and outside your home, with HD footage and audio available in real-time or for you to be able to view later.


Our smart home automation system anticipated your perfect environment

Was it hot when you went to sleep and suddenly at an ungodly hour, it’s too cold for the air-conditioning system to be on? The climate control system makes the adjustments accordingly, or you can schedule it to fit your nighttime routine.

Do you often find yourself getting up again and again to fiddle between the bright light switches and the warm light switches? No need to bother as the automatic dimming and brightening system has you covered. Now, you can control the function of your entire house with the convenient touch and tap of your smartphone and universal remote controls. No more getting up, just stay put, and relax!

Pro Electra will create and build custom home automation systems to fit your needs.


Offering greater flexibility within your daily life, our products maximize efficiency with one touch of the button or a single voice command.

If you are having a busy day at your office and forget about the delivery that was to be sent to your home, then the ringing of the doorbell can be notified to you directly onto your mobile phone or computer, and you can manage accordingly. Easy!

The ability to control the home atmosphere is essential to those with temporary and permanent disabilities. Through voice commands and intelligent touch panels, those who could not otherwise reach the shades to pull them down or who need more space for mobility can achieve more independence at home.

Designed to impress your home automation system installed by Pro Electra is personalized for you and your unique needs.

Energy Efficient

Many paged bills and energy wastage? Nah, smart energy usage and more savings!

With climate control and temperature regulation integrated with your central control systems and smart thermostats, your heating systems will no longer be left running at max throughout the night. When the temperatures run higher, but you are too sleepy to notice, these smart systems will auto-adjust their operation and cut down on power usage once the standard temperatures are attained.

Smart home automation systems installed by Pro Electra improves the energy efficiency of your home by ensuring that electronic devices and appliances are only switched on, when necessary. Giving you active control over your house, you get to reduce the overall energy consumption and help the planet by contributing to the green impacts.